Total Category 3 2 1 0
What are the author's credentials and affiliation? Is the author an expert?
The author's credentials indicate that he/she is an expert on this topic. The author gives contact info or professional affiliation. The author is named but credentials and/or contact info (online sources) is incomplete. The author is unnamed and/or no credentials are given. The author is named, but is clearly not an expert on the topic (published by student or fans).
Is the source published by a reputable publisher or organization?
Published by: *U.S. Government (.gov) *Scholarly Journal or in a Reference or academic book Published by a known: *organization *university *business *magazine/newspaper or in a print book Published by: *a K-12 school *an unknown business(.com) *an unknown organization (.org). Self-published: blogs, personal web pages, etc. Look for the symbols ~% or the words "users" "members" etc. in the URL
Sources Sited:
Is the information cited?
The work is original research/info by a reputable source. There is a Works Cited list and/or a Bibliography. The work is a compilation of research/info by a reputable source. No Works Cited information as a list. There is a statement about the source of information embedded in the source, but no Works Cited list. No indication of where the information came from.
Why was this information published?
To promote scholarly research. To provide factual information. Some opinion may be included. To sell something, to persuade, or to promote an idea. For personal or entertainment purposes.
How current is the information?
Online: The info is less than 1 year old. Print: The info is less than 3 years old. Online: The info is less than 3 years old. Print: The information is more than 3 years old, but is not necessarily out of date. The information is more than five years old. There is no indication of when the information was published.
Substance: Depth of coverage needed for your purpose and written at a college or professional level. Written for the general public. Lacking the depth needed for your purpose. No depth, contains excessive colloquialisms, slang, use of "I"
Score Totals:
0-6: This source is highly questionable. Should not be used in research without suitable justification. (Attach your reasons for using a source with this score).
7-10: The site may be an acceptable starting point for gathering information, but may not be suitable as a cited source in a research project.
11-14: Good source for research. Information should be confirmed in other sources.
15-18: Excellent source for research purpose.